d...@kd4e.com wrote:

> Jamey Fletcher wrote:
>> Jane_Galt wrote:
>>> I was looking at the stats for my small business website and only
>>> about 2.5% of visits come from people using SM.
>> I don't know about you, but I can't afford to turn away 2.5% of my
>> potential customers. ....
> The assumption is not correct therefore the conclusions are muddled. 
> The 2.5% number is highly unlikely to be correct across all Web sites
> because the improper coding of many require SM users to "spoof" as
> Firefox or IE in order to gain access. 
> So 2.5% is probably a low estimate across the website world.

Your assumption may be muddled as well. I believe the stat programs are
actually looking for the word "SeaMonkey" in the UA string. They would
(should) count rather accurately. Those web sites that use the string
for actual page access are the ones looking for "SeaMonkey NOT Firefox"
(looking for the word "Firefox") and that's probably not used in a
statistic. If they did, they'd say:  SeaMonkey = 0%   because they
normally only look for IE, Firefox, Safari, and maybe Opera.

What's worse is for people to set a UA switcher to Internet Exploder,
and forget to change it back. I'll bet that all stat results for IE
*are* inflated.

>> Website designers need to get over the desire to control each and
>> every damn pixel on the screen

As Jamey said, it's the dee-ziners' fault!

   -Four wheels carry the body; two wheels move the soul
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