On 12/31/2010 2:38 PM, John wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> I have looked through the Archives to 3/26/2010 and I think that I know 
> that these two versions store in different places and are totally 
> separate.  I Used SM 1.1.18 up until 1.1.19 then I switched to FF and TB 
> but, my wife has mega emails that she can not loose and is still using 
> SM 1.1.18.  I would like to update her system to the most current 
> version of SM but, I need to be absolutely sure that it will not damage
> her current version so that she can still access all the old messages.
> So if anyone can confirm that the above assumptions are correct I'll up 
> date her system.
> Thanks,
> John


All the e-mail (and all the settings, etc.) is stored in the "profile".
Is it correct that SM 1.X stores the profile (by default) in a location
that is different from the default location used by SM 2.X

When you install SM 2.X, it will automatically migrate your SM 1.x profile.
This means it will take all your settings, e-mail, etc. from the SM 1.X
profile and copy it to your new SM 2.X profile.

Note that this process will not modify your SM 1.X profile. If necessary,
you can still run SM 1.X and access the original profile.

Without taking some precautions, you cannot run both SM 2.X alongside
SM 1.X, so you should plan to install 2.X, migrate the profile across,
then never run SM 1.X again.

I've seen many reports of people having problems with the migration, so
after doing it, you should run SM 2.X and make sure everything is there:
e-mail, address book, passwords, bookmarks, etc. If anything is missing,
you can come back here for help.

Note that I've also seen many reports here from people who've said the
migration went without any problems at all, so good luck.
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