Ed Mullen wrote:
Used to be I could go to the American Express login page and SM would
 pop up a box with the various account logins representing different
 accounts based on the URL. Now? I have to (as you indicate) start
entering a username. But, what if user-1 is=bob... and user-2 is
bob2... and user-3 is george... and user-4 is=806fred...?

Ah. So, Now I can double-click in the username field and get a list!
Oh! Um. How is that simpler than having the list pop up all on its

Alternatively you can just press the down arrow key when the field is
focused: <http://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/2.0/forms>

But I'm still pissed off every time I encounter this "improvement."

And other people were "pissed off" every time a tab or window in the background that finished loading triggered that modal dialog, stole focus and interrupted you in whatever you were currently intending to do. See, there was a reason for the change. It's debatable which group of people was larger or more important, and the final solution is certainly not perfect. But sometimes you just cannot please everyone.



Jens Hatlak <http://jens.hatlak.de/>
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