Daniel wrote:
Bill Spikowski wrote:
I created a new profile this week to troubleshoot some odd problems --
frequent shutdowns of SM 1.1.18 (sometimes 3-4 times per day); slow
performance loading emails into the preview window; etc. This system is
running Windows XP.

I recreated all my prior settings manually, which I've used for many
years now. But somehow I've lost all images on web pages. HTML emails
still contain all images

I don't see anything in my preferences that would account for this, but
I have exactly the same problem on a new laptop with Windows 7 and SM
2.0, which I set up to replicate the same settings. I'm stumped – what
might cause this problem?

Bill, have you got the right setting at Edit->Preferences->Privacy&Security->Images in the Image Acceptance Policy section??

Yes -- I have it set to "accept all images"
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