Keith Whaley wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Keith Whaley wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 5/23/11 7:20 PM, Keith Whaley wrote:
I have what I thought was SM 1.1.13 in my applications folder.
I select Get Info from the Finder, and it says it's v.1.1.13.

But, if I double click on it and open it, and I choose SeaMonkey/About
SeaMonkey, the revision says it's 1.1.14.

Why is this? Has anyone else run across that?

keith whaley

You posted using SM 2.0.14.

Yes, I did. I didn't have a choice.

I don't know what you mean by Finder or Get Info. Are those Mac

Yessir. What else from a Mac guy? That means you're probably a PC guy.
Macs have a couple ways to determine what release version an app is.
One is Finder/File/Get Info. The other is to select the app to open it,
and when it opens choose the menu bar's "About Firefox" or "About
SeaMonkey" and you'll get the release info.

In any case, you should update to SM 2.0.14, which will soon be
by SM 2.1.

Not bloody likely, as with MY setup, that version breaks Widgets. I
really don't like that.
Why do you guys keep insisting I move up to a version that is less
perfect than the version that preceded it?
2.0.14 IS less than problem free. Especially in areas of what I use
frequently. No thanks.


That will/would be a deal breaker for me as well - I live on Widgets. If
2.0.14 is the end of days, then I guess I'll just have to live that way
or start using Safari/Thunderbird in combination.

Assuming that what David said is indeed the case, the Mac version of SM
I have in in fact 2.0.13 and it only SAYs it's 2.0.14 under the About
SeaMonkey icon.
I believe what David said above, because I had downloaded and used
2.0.14 directly, and Widgets WAS demonstrably broken.
So this one that shows the duplicious identity really IS 2.0.13, and it
works just fine for me, Widgets and all. Clean and crisp. :-)

Best to one and all... keith

Ok...I'm running SM 2.0.14 and Widgets work...I was thinking you were talking about 2.1.x of some sort. I'm not liking much of what I read about 2.1.x.

The most definitive way to find out which version of any app you actually have installed (or at least what OS X thinks you have installed) is to open System Profiler and look under Applications. Takes longer, because it shows you everything you have on your machine...but worth a cross-check.

One other thing you may have run across is that going directly from any of the 1.1.x versions without installing 2.0.0 first can screw stuff up - I've seen that, too. I always advise Mac users moving up to 2.0.x to install 2.0.0 first and let it do the migration, then install 2.0.x.

     - Rufus
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