JD wrote:
Cruz, Jaime wrote:
JD wrote:
Cruz, Jaime wrote:
Looks like the latest version breaks compatibility with Coral IETab
(IETab +). I'll have to wait till the author of Coral IETab fixes this
before I can migrate to my main computer. Unfortunately, my company has
a LOT of internal websites that ONLY work with Internet Explorer

You need to edit a file in the IETab+ folder in your profile, then it
will work with SM2.1. Message back if you're interested.

What's the trick?

You got to edit the install.rdf file.

Each extension has a folder in your Preferences folder. On my computer,
the one for IEtab+ is ie...@ip.cn.

Open the install.rdf file with a text editor and look for a entry like
this: <em:maxVersion>2.0</em:maxVersion>

Make sure the targetApplication is SeaMonkey. There may be other
targetApplication entries.

Change the 2.0 to 2.1. Save the file.

The first time I did this, I first saved the file as
install.rdf.orig.txt, in case I screwed something up. This has worked
for all my incompatible extensions so I stopped saving backups as .txt

On my computer, that value was 2.1b1. I removed the "b1" and recycled Seamonkey and it worked. Thanks!!

Jaime A. Cruz
Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club

AMA District 34
Pop's Run
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