chicagofan wrote:
James E. Morrow wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
As for me, my personal priorities have changed as stated in and I moved on,
see also -
which now makes me say things like "A beta user sample of [roughly 4-5x
the release users of SeaMonkey] is too small to give us really good data
on stability, but so far it looks stable enough to ship this as a final
release." :)

I'm not too far away, but not here as much as previously. And I feel
good getting less vitriol about my work and working with people who can
do Mozilla stuff full-time. ;-)

Robert Kaiser
As one who has read and mostly lurked in this group since its inception,
allow me to say that your efforts on behalf of the SeaMonkey Project are
greatly appreciated. We all have to step back now and again. But your
work as project leader leaves SeaMonkey well established to go forward.
Thank you Robert.

Same here... another long time reader of this ng and SM user, who
greatly appreciates Robert's contribution to the continuation of SM, and
helping all of us along the way.

Hope you don't stay too far away, Robert. :)


This is like being an NHL goalie -- most of the fans don't notice or say anything unless you foul up. But try sending the team out with a sixth attacker instead and see how far they get.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

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