On 6/22/11 5:50 AM, Ant wrote:
> Hi!
> Yesterday, I was messing with a new/clean installation of SM v2.1 in a 
> XP Pro. SP2 (IE6) virtual machine at work to see which of my current 
> extensions work or not.
> I decided to try the latest PrefBar extension first from 
> http://prefbar.tuxfamily.org/installation.html, but it kept showing the 
> wrong language web page 
> (https://addons.mozilla.org/de/seamonkey/addon/prefbar/; manually force 
> to use /en/ instead of /de/). It also refused to install XPI file 
> (versions don't match) from 
> https://addons.mozilla.org/seamonkey/downloads/latest/67148/addon-67148-latest.xpi?src=addon-detail
> ...
> How do you force a download to install in SM2.1? Sheesh. Good thing I 
> didn't do this on my production installatios and machines! :(
> Thank you in advance. :)

You can't install PrefBar 5.1.1 into SeaMonkey 2.1 without tweaking the
XPI file.

1.  Download the XPI file.  On
<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/prefbar/>, place your
cursor over the Add to SeaMonkey button, right-click, select Save Link
Target As from the pull-down context menu, and navigate in the file-save
window to where you can save the file.

2.  The XPI file is actually a zip file.  Launch your favorite zip
application (e.g., WinZip).  Drag the XPI file into the blank zip window.

3.  View file install.rdf in a text editor.  Right-click on install.rdf
and select View from the pull-down context menu.  (I have WinZip view it
in WordPad.)

4.  In install.rdf, locate the line
        <!-- SeaMonkey -->
Just under it, locate the line beginning
Change the version to 2.1 or 2.*.  Save.  (DO NOT use Save As.)  Close
the text editor.

5.  With WinZip, I get a dialogue popup asking if I want to update the
archive?  The answer is (of course) Yes.  With some other zip
application, the result should be similar.  After somehow incorporating
the modified install.rdf back into the XPI file, close your zip

Now you should be able to install PrefBar.

Note that a Mozdev bug report already exists to request PrefBar be made
installable in SeaMonkey 2.1.

Also note that setting the <em:maxVersion> to 2.* might not work with a
pending update to the Add-ons Manager.  I'm not sure, but I think the
new Add-ons Manager will reject wild-cards in version numbers.
Fortunately, that version of Add-ons Manager is not yet part of SeaMonkey.


David E. Ross

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