Alain Alain wrote:
I'm a long-time user of Seamonkey, from since it was called Mozilla.
The  recent 2.1 and 2.2 updates seem to have broken Java support on my  Centos
5.5 box (32 bits) and I really can't figure this out.
Seamonkey is installed in /usr/local.
Starting  from 2.1, the /usr/local/seamonkey/plugins directory is gone. As per
the release notes, plugins are now managed on a per-user basis in
So far, so good. I used to have a link in  /usr/local/seamonkey/plugins pointing

to  /usr/local/jre1.6.0_12/plugin/i386/ns7/ (I install
Sun's JREs in /usr/local too... it shows my BSD background I guess  )
So I moved that link to $HOME/.mozilla/plugins but now about :plugins doesn't
show any Java plugin detected.
Worse, $HOME/.mozilla/seamonkey/<profile name>.default/pluginreg.dat shows that
the plugin is rejected. It contains:

I've tried with the "new" plugin found in
/usr/local/jre1.6.0_12/lib/i386/ too. Doesn't work either.

I  vaguely suspect that there might be a shared library issue with the  newest
Seamonkey binaries and Centos 5.5, but then every other plugin  works OK,
including Flash, Acrobat and all. So what's the issue with the Java  plugin?
There's no error when I start Seamonkey from a terminal window.

Any help greatly appreciated, I must not be the only Seamonkey user on Centos
5.5, or so I hope

Thanks for your time,

I found a way to easily create a link to the java plugin.

Right-click on the file and select create link, then I cut and past the link into .mozilla/plugins in my home folder on openSUSE.

The only difference is I have jdk1.6.0_26 installed in home and the path is jdk1.6.0_26/jre/lib/i386/

At a loss if that is what you did and it's not working.

If you can, you really should update to Java version 1.6.0_26.
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