Tom Pamin wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
On 7/13/2011 8:26 PM, Rufus wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
Wed, 13 Jul 2011 05:24:20 -0700, /Ant/:

I really hope v2.0.14 gets minor updates like Firefox v3.6.x.

SeaMonkey 2.0.* is based on Gecko 1.9.1.*/Firefox 3.5.* and as you
know Mozilla has officially ended support/updates for Firefox 3.5.*.

Thanks for the bad news. Well not much reason to stick around this

2.2 broke too many things extensions and plugins. No QuickTime. No Pdf
Browser Plugin not Flip4Mac (wmv/wma pluging to work through
And many other. I'm not upgrading.

I'm waiting too. I'm too dependent on something that works to switch to
something that doesn't work. Hopefully it will work in the future, and
retain all of the features that make 2.0.14 my preferred web utility

Personally I think that the 1.1.x series of releases were the best, as
far as features went. But I'll be sticking with 2.0.14 at least until I
get a look at full-up Lion. Then I'll have a new set of decisions to

FYI our Lion compat release will be 2.3, and we'll recommend you use at
least 2.3b1 if you install Lion.

I got burned trying out a beta once before - never again.

I'll be installing Lion (or not) and then trying a clean install of a
2.3 (or more likely 2.4) stable release and migrating from my 2.0.14

But if Lion actually works the way I think it's going to re: full screen
apps (which I think I'm not going to like) I may abandon SM after all
these years in any was a good run.

What is Lion?
Mac OSX.7.
Boy we can tell you’re a windows user or Linux User.

Supposed to be out in days. I'll have to travel 1-1'2 to and apple store or 4 hours to next closest one just to have a Internet connection to download and install it. it 4 GB in size and is only available by Internet Download . Though the price has gone down to $29.95 because they no longer have to press to Disc. From my reading of some of the features booth the Dock and main menu bar will be invisible until you hover over it. and any open file will fill one hundred percent of the screen. Also there will be no Save command in any application. you simply close out of the document and quit. When you open back up it will open automatically to the last file you were working on (I'm hoping that "Saves As..." command will Remain.

Only Universal Binary and Intel Only will work No Classic and no PowerPC Apps will work. They will be eventually be working toward Intel on Apps so application/file/and System size can be reduced.

(until apple get's P.O'd Intel) There is already talk that some of the low end Laptops will switch to either AMD or ARM technology.

I hope they don't go to ARM but AMD would be okay. Most El cheapo PC you get from WalMart and others use AMD anyway.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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