Daniel wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
Daniel schrieb:
Saturday night, I did the auto-update from SM 2.0.14 to SM 2.2 on my
Mandriva Linux 2009.0

Now I find I've got an empty bookmarks file. Searching for Bookmark
brings a zero result. It seems the only "old" site addresses I've keep
are those in the address bar drop down.

Try to go into the bookmarks manager and manually import the old
bookmarks.html - I'm not really sure why sometimes this doesn't happen
by default. :(

Robert Kaiser

Thanks for the very prompt reply, Robert, but did you miss where I typed
"Searching for Bookmark brings a zero result"??

This is not looking good, then....must have been time to edit my
Bookmarks file, anyway, I suppose. Either that or Back-up, Back-up,

O.K., people, you can stop worrying!!

I remembered I had more than on profile, so switched to one of the other profiles, found it still had a reasonably up to date bookmarks file, so exported that, changed profiles and imported the bookmarks file into the main profile.


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