On 02/08/11 03:11, MCBastos wrote:
Interviewed by CNN on 01/08/2011 17:41, Tony Mechelynck told the world:
On 31/07/11 05:06, Rufus wrote:
question wrote:

Ie users are suppose to be Dumb



I notice they didn't even include SeaMonkey in their test data (except
maybe as part of the Firefox sample, which in this case I have a sort of
gut feeling is doing us a disservice — but I have no proof). Who knows?
Maybe _we_ would have scored higher than Opera if only we'd been tested
separately. :-P

I think that, generally speaking, *ignoring completely the actual merits
of each browser,* you will find higher concentration of smart users in
the products with the least market share.

The reason are simple: user inertia and network effect. The less-smart
users tend to stay with what they know, or what has a well-known brand
name. *Any* change demands a bit on the user, be it on installing, or
learning the interface of the new product, or migrating settings, or
figuring out how to deal with the odd case this new product does not
work as well as the old one did.

So, the dumbest users (or at least the least computer-savvy ones -- my
father is astoundingly smart, he's a very respected mechanical engineer
with a number of patents to his name -- but he's just not at home with
computers) stay with whatever came with the machine (IE on Windows,
Safari on Mac). The slightly savvier ones will know that Firefox and
Chrome (two well-known product "brands") offer features IE lacks, and
will try them -- safe in the knowledge that if they get stuck, their
computer-savvy workmate/nephew/friend will help them. Only the savviest
users will attempt to use "obscure" products like Camino, iCab,
Seamonkey, Maxthon or Opera.

Hm, indeed Camino and Opera were their "top of the list"; the other three I don't think they mentioned. But if I read you well, Lynx and w3m users should be even smarter than all the rest? ;-)

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
148. You find it easier to dial-up the National Weather Service
     Weather/your_town/now.html than to simply look out the window.
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