On 8/2/2011 4:43 AM, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:
 > Re recently went over to an MS Exchange server at work and I changed
 > my E-mail from POP to IMAP to support it. All this happened with SM
 > 2.2 as well.
 > Since then I have had messages that come up blank and messages where
 > I can't see the attachments. Both look fine in the web client but
 > not on SM. I have not seen these kinds of issues before. I don't
 > even know where to start to track this down or fix it. Any ideas on
 > how to get the attachments to show? It doesn't happen on all
 > e-mail, just some.
 > Is this a SM 2.2 issue? An IMAP issue? A Avast issue? Does SM just
 > not play nicely with Exchange? Does Thunderbird play any nicer?

I have experienced exactly the same behaviour (using Seamonkey older
than 2.2 : e.g., 2.0.14) ever since my IMAP provider performed an
exchange upgrade to Exchange 2010; prior to that (running, I think,
Exchange 2003) there had been no problems. I have reported the
problem to the server administration team, but as (a) mine is a
"grade and favour" account, and (b) IMAP is not a formal part of
their offering, I do not expect the problem to be resolved in the
near future. For what it's worth, moving the offending message
to an otherwise empty folder can sometimes allow it to be seen
and/or the attachment accessed.

Thanx Philip,

We did indeed go with Exchange 2011 I think. I tried moving to a new folder and it hung on "downloading e-mail" but no help. I do like a few things, the biggest is my phone and computer are now in sync with no tricks and filters. I also like that the exchange server translates those pesky winmail.dat files back to attachments for me. But the number of small issues that were not there when I had a Linux POPed server are really annoying.

I guess I might have to try seppuku ;-)

 > I'm wondering if this is going to force me over to Outlook?

Wouldn't seppuku be a less painful option ?

Philip Taylor

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