Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
I think Sky Pilot to be the best Theme ever designed for Mozilla
Products. I would be using it now, if it was compatible. I like the
ability to click in the dividers and open and close completely.
instead of having to pull them down. I use three pane mode, and and
there are times when I want to pull the window down to mark groups of
items as read or as spam without reading them.

The was a big flap several years ago, about this they wanted to remove
two three lines of code to save space, and the current themes have
this ability killed as a result. you have to grab the divider pull all
the way down then when complete pull back up. a Big time waster.

SkyPilot had this feature where you click on the divider and it would
open all the way down (hiding the reading window) click on it again ad
it opens back to original setting.

I want it available for SeaMonkey and FireFox.

Is your Thread-Pane | Message-Body-Pane divider-grippy non-functional on
Mac, Phillip ?

The "left-click open/restore" and "drag and drop" divider-grippies, have
been and remain, a valued part and parcel of the Linux SeaMonkey Modern
themed user-experience.
I can't remember any dysfunction in the nightly explosive development
editions (Well, maybe once a good many years ago, when Neil had to fix
I can assert that they are still OK in Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64;
rv:8.0a1) Gecko/20110813 SeaMonkey/2.5a1 ID:20110813003053 (Caveat:
Trunk nightlies destroy stuff.)

Yes has been for ages in the SeaMonkey Standard window. I was sing Orbit 3+ 1 which had the Grippy Function returned But anything Past 2.0.x its been killed.

I hate when they make stupid changes just to save 2-3 line of code for something that functioned well. With Processor Speed and Hard Drive space what code they left of would make about as much as one fly sitting on a 3story house. I suspect it was taken out because the people that took it out didn't use it. And they figured if they didn't use it no one uses it.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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