On 10/2/11 8:34 AM, Tom S. wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have SM 2.4.1 running on Win XP SP3.
> Here's something that's bugged me for a long while. I
> thought eventually someone else would bring it up
> and soon after, it would be fixed. Oh well.
> Why is it SM no longer stops pop-ups?
> When a page loads that has a pop-up, I have
> assigned a "pop" sound and the highlighted
> exclamation point shows on the bottom toolbar. But
> then, if I should click anywhere on the page, the
> pop-up will open into a new tab, instead of
> remaining suppressed. This happens on almost all
> websites that use pop-ups. (Oftentimes, they will
> use Flash for these pop-ups, but the Flashblock
> extension disables it, so it only shows the "F"
> button.)
> Is there anything I can change to prevent the
> pop-ups from happening?
> TIA.

Initially, popups (I almost typed poopups, which might be appropriate)
were separate Web pages launched by scripts in the page you wanted to
see.  Today, many popups are artifacts of CSS, Flash, or scripts
themselves (without launching anything).

If they are from Flash, I strongly recommend Flashblock at
<http://flashblock.mozdev.org/>.  I normally run with this enabled.  It
allows me to display a Flash presentation by clicking an icon on the
page containing Flash.

If you know a page uses JavaScript for a popup, you can disable
JavaScript.  I have the PrefBar extension (from
<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/67148/>) installed
with a checkbox on the PrefBar toolbar for enabling and disabling
JavaScript.  It's very, very handy.  I normally run with JavaScript
enabled.  However, when SeaMonkey seems to be operating strangely, I
disable JavaScript; then, SeaMonkey usually returns to normal behavior.

Similarly, I also have a checkbox on the PrefBar toolbar for enabling
and disabling CSS.  While disabling CSS strips away almost all
formatting, a well-designed Web page should still have understandable


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
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