Philip Chee wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 20:35:53 -0700, David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 10/14/11 6:03 PM, km wrote:
>>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>>> On 10/14/11 11:51 AM, km wrote:
>>>>> ... i want to email my sm with the setting
>>>>> to a friend so when she clicks on the download link
>>>>> it will install my sm on her desktop???
>>>>> km
>>>> If your friend's PC is setup to allow this, she is at major risk of
>>>> getting a computer virus.  I hope this is NOT the case.
>>>> Instead, send her the link<>  from
>>>> which she can download the installer file and install it herself.  If
>>>> she is not adept at downloading and installing, get her on the phone and
>>>> talk her through the process.
>>> .. umm, 1 problem. i'm deaf.
>> Use Skype or some other text messenging application to conduct a visual
>> conversation.
> So send her the link to Skype/ICQ/AIM from which she can download the
> installer file and install it herself. If she is not adept at
> downloading and installing, get her on the phone and um I dunno.
> Phil
Use the Portable version and send it on a flash drive.

   You either teach people to treat you with dignity and respect, or you don't. 
This means you are partly responsible for the mistreatment that you get at the 
hands of someone else. 

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