Stephen Geraghty wrote:
>I recently noticed that [HTML] pages align left
>when Internet Exporer renders them,
I *assume* that you have tried this
with only *ONE* version of MICROS~1's junk.

Want an eye-opener?
Try viewing a collection of pages with a multitude of browsers;
be sure to include *several*[1] versions of M$'s junk.
You'll find that Redmond's excrement
doesn't even agree with its **other** versions
on how the pages should be rendered.

>whereas in Firefox and other browsers they center align fine.
As David noted, M$'s junk  is **NOT** standards-compliant.

Early on, MSFT made a decision to *break* compliance
in order to try to gain an edge WRT the Internet
(which they had ignored for years, thinking it was a fad).
That effort was a dark spot on the 'Net
and we are living still with the (failed) evil of M$.

As I noted, MICROS~1's junk isn't even compatible with itself.
If you want things to be M$-compatible,
you have to make an extra effort.
Web developers have known this for ages
and they overwhelmingly despise M$ and the junk it produces.
[1] M$'s totally broken "Registry" mechanism does NOT
allow you to run multiple versions of Internet Exploder
under a single version of Windoze.

The really smart developers verify their M$-compatibility
by running those multiple invocations of M$IE
under Linux (in turn, under WINE).
That makes Linux+WINE "A better Windows than Windoze".
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