Interviewed by CNN on 09/02/2012 21:36, George Carden told the world:
> Does Copernic Desktop Search function with SeaMonkey 2.7?

Not directly. But I managed to find a workaround.

What I did was to install a copy of Thunderbird 3.1.x, run it once
without adding any accounts (so it creates its own profiles), then edit
the Thunderbird profiles.ini (you can find it in %APPDATA%\Thunderbird)
in order to make it point to *Seamonkey's* profile instead of Thunderbirds.

My Thunderbird profiles.ini looks like this:



Once this is done, you must NEVER open Thunderbird again (well, unless
you turn back the profiles.ini to its original values beforehand).
There's a non-trivial risk of damaging your profile if you do so, since
the structure of Seamonkey's profiles and Thunderbird's profiles is
likely different (Thunderbird 3.1 uses an older version of Gecko, for
instance -- and doesn't include some components Seamonkey has.)

I tried uninstalling Thunderbird afterwards (for maximum safety and to
free a bit of space), but Copernic stopped scanning my e-mails. So,
there's something in a valid Thunderbird install that it needs. Since I
have a lot of hard disk space and this is a non-shared computer, having
an inactive TB does not cause me problems, so I didn't try to figure out
what is it that Copernic needs.

I didn't try this with a newer release of Thunderbird, either. Copernic
only claims compatibility with releases up to 3.1, but it *might* work.
If you try it, please report your results.


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