On 12-02-23 4:11 AM, _Daniel_ spoke thusly:
Chris Ilias wrote:

No, it isn't possible. There are a couple of workarounds:

* You can try using the Launchy extension, which allows you to open
links in other applications.
1. Go to Tools-->Add-ons, to open the Add-ons Manager.
2. Select the "Get Add-ons" panel.
3. In the top-right, search for "Launchy".
4. It should be the first result. Just click on the [Install] button.

* You can use a standalone email client, like Mozilla Thunderbird.

Chris, I thought it was possible to make a click on a link in an e-mail
open Firefox (not sure about a new tab though).

Requires a modification to a pref in about:config. Not sure which one
(something about "external", maybe browser.link.open_external), but
maybe someone in the know will drop by.

You're probably thinking of <http://seamonkey.ilias.ca/mailnewsfaq/http>, but that doesn't work anymore. I'm slowly updating the site.

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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