On 3/15/2012 12:11 PM, Walter wrote:
Equipment: HP desktop, Win 7, 6 gb memory, 750 gb hard drive, SM 2.7.2

Several months ago I found and used a program/plugin to print my
password file with passwords in the clear. Since then I have added more
passwords and changed some. OK, I will run that program again, says I.
Not so easy, what was name of it and where did I get it? Never fear,
Google knows. Thing is, Google knows too much so I don't know which
program/plugin I used. One of the Google finds was LastPass, the
so-touted answer to all my questions and needs. OK, load and run.
Somewhere in the options there must be a way to do what I need but I
can't find it. I try this-n-that and end up with a big mess with SM mail
and newsgroups asking for a password every time I try to access either
one. I check the settings for e-mail and newsgroups and do not find any
obvious problems. Use workaround by entering passwords to get to mail
and newsgroups. Even now, I get a request about every 10 minutes asking
for a "password for news server access". No matter what I enter, (or
nothing,) it is accepted and things go on.

Two e-mail accounts, xxx@localtvserver and xxx@gmail

Two newsgroup accts, m.s.seamonkey and news.eternal-september.org

I know the above is rather long and possibly very confusing but I need
help and advice, thanking all in advance.


Now where in your story, that I saw, did you say you uninstalled Last Pass. I would assume it is wedging itself in there somewhere and getting in the way. If you uninstall it I would guess you would be back to normal. Have you started there? Once that works probably try to find the program you used before since you were able to get that to work. Or use the show passwords function of SM and manually write them down (if there are not too many) since it can only show one at a time now.
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