Jean Zebloski wrote:
Rufus<>   wrote :

Jean Zebloski wrote:
Since installing SM 2.8 I'm getting some problems. When I click a link
in another program now, instead of popping up the SM window, it
doesn't. SM goes to the link but I have to click the SM task bar icon
to go to see it.

Things also seem slower now too.

Is 2.8 screwed up?

That problem was there from SM 2.7 Mac also - bug #724293.

If you use Spaces on a Mac you'll likely also notice that 2.8 doesn't
shift to the SM Space or return to Open from Minimize either - bug

I hadn't noticed it being slower, but I have gone back to 2.7.2 because
of the above.

How do I go back and still keep everything like my bookmarks and settings?

On a Mac it's as simple as dragging and dropping the older 2.7.2 app to replace the newer 2.8 one...not sure about how you'd do it on a PC.

     - Rufus
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