Walter wrote:
Walter wrote:
Walter wrote:
W3BNR wrote:
On 3/15/2012 12:11 PM Walter submitted the following:
Equipment: HP desktop, Win 7, 6 gb memory, 750 gb hard drive, SM 2.7.2

Several months ago I found and used a program/plugin to print my
password file
with passwords in the clear. Since then I have added more passwords
and changed
some. OK, I will run that program again, says I. Not so easy, what
was name of
it and where did I get it? Never fear, Google knows. Thing is, Google
knows too
much so I don't know which program/plugin I used. One of the Google
finds was
LastPass, the so-touted answer to all my questions and needs. OK,
load and run.
Somewhere in the options there must be a way to do what I need but I
can't find
it. I try this-n-that and end up with a big mess with SM mail and
asking for a password every time I try to access either one. I check
settings for e-mail and newsgroups and do not find any obvious
problems. Use
workaround by entering passwords to get to mail and newsgroups. Even
now, I get
a request about every 10 minutes asking for a "password for news
server access".
No matter what I enter, (or nothing,) it is accepted and things go on.

Two e-mail accounts, xxx@localtvserver and xxx@gmail

Two newsgroup accts, m.s.seamonkey and

I know the above is rather long and possibly very confusing but I
need help and
advice, thanking all in advance.


Go to:

Save the page. Open the saved page in your browser.

It works with SM 2.8

That is it!!!!!!!!! Now my problem is that there are only 4 domains
there with their passwords. What did I do to lose the rest of them?


I will try your suggestion later. The grocery store calls.


OK, now I have lost those four. I am hopelessly lost in a sea of 0s and
1s. Would it do any good to do a system restore from a couple of weeks
back while doing a Ccleaner?


To continue this saga: I reloaded and installed FastPass and this time I
carefully read the instruction book to try to understand where I went
wrong the first time. I did import the file with passwords, etc. and
found that most of the data that I need is there, along with duplicates
which I deleted. As I understood the instructions, now I can upload this
file via Firefox and all will be well. I went in circles a few rounds
and never found the place to click to actually import the data via
FIrefox to the SM file. Another option was to print the file but again I
never found the place to click to do that.

Any FastPass users in this group who could hold my hand in this problem,
suggesting where I went wrong again?


OK, no responses so I will consider this topic closed to responses. In the meantime I will continue to do research and some day might come across a way to get my passwords back.

Thanks to the ones who did respond.


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