NoOp wrote:
On 03/21/2012 06:14 PM, W3BNR wrote:
On 3/21/2012 9:06 PM NoOp submitted the following:
On 03/21/2012 05:43 PM, W3BNR wrote:
Can't view it in SM 2.8 with VLC Media Player (not downloadin), but it's working
in IE with VLC;

Interesting. Works for me with Chromium (linux), but not SM, FF, or
Opera (linux). However, I can pretty much verify that that is most
likely a configuration issue as entering the video URL
directly into VLC fetches and plays the webcast just fine.

Thanks for the confirmation.  It would then appear to be a SM problem.

As I mentioned, I think in my case it's a configuration issue (PEBKAC).
For example: the wmv on this site:
Played fine in Chromium. But in FF, SM, and Opera I only got a black
window. I then reinstalled an mplayer package (again linux), reloaded FF
and SM, and now the video plays just fine in FF, SM, and Opera.

So, were I you I'd go looking for similar streams as you were viewing on
the NASA site and see if perhaps the issue is a plugin (installed or
lack thereof).

This link iFactorystream works perfect. There is an issue with the server serving the material.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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