On 3/30/2012 4:34 PM, Norvin wrote:
hawker wrote:
On 3/30/2012 2:16 PM, Norvin wrote:
Today I start getting an error code of -12263 and was wondering where
I can find the reason/cause. I am using SM1.1.18. The site that I am
trying to get to works with IE.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Man that is a way old version of SM and not really supported anymore.
My guess is there are more than a few sites that are not going to work
properly with it as a result.

What is keeping you from updating to the current version of Seamonkey?
The only valid reason I could see to be still using it is if you have
a very old and slow computer with an older OS on it. IE PIII or early
PIV (under 2GHz)

Thanks, that is what I was afraid of. The reason is that my wife is not
very computer savvy and we used to use Mozilla before it became SM. The
only problem we had when we change was that emails became a problem for
the wife. Under Moz. I was able to filter out all addresses of her
friends and put them into her mail box. Then whenever she would
forward/reply to an email, it would show her as the sender and not me. I
know it is a small thing to just change it in address box, BUT, like I
said, she is not very savvy and memory is short. When SM came about I
started using it and was happy and she was still able to use Moz. since
SM 1.x.xx and Moz shared the files. However, when SM 2 hit the road,
there was no more sharing causing some problems with her emailing
friends. After using SM 2.XX for a month or so I had to backtrack to
SM1.1.18 and that is where I am today. I don't really see any problems
with SM 2.XXX, with the above exceptions. After SM2 came out I did asked
how I could make some personal changes to the program, but all I got
was, "if you don't like it, don't use it", which really surprised me
since the different forums have always been so friendly. I have been a
long user starting with Netscape with a 4K dial-up modem.
Thanks for letting me bend your ear, have a good day.

I'm with you on the small, but important feature loss.
I'm still using Eudora for mail on one of my accounts because it has features that account needs that SM and FF still don't have. Since so many people use Face Book and Web mail like G-Mail these days client E-mail is just not very full featured anymore.

My guess is there is a add on/plug in that should be able to solve your particular problem but for now user profiles are probably also a good answer. I don't know what to search for for the add on. I know in another client I can search for from "Xxxx" change "outgoing e-mail to" but I don't think SM supports that.

Me I think I'm about to ditch Seamonkey for FF / TB - to many lost features and too many features (like fast search in e-mail) missing. I hate it as I have been a Netscape user since Netscape 1.x, and don't really like the FF/TB UI but I think it is finally time to admit SM is a dead beast with not enough supporters to keep it current enough.
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