hawker wrote:
> On 3/31/2012 11:49 AM, BIll Spikowski wrote:
>> This week I used two different wi-fi connections each day while on a
>> business trip.
>> On one connection, I had normal full access to the web and to my
>> incoming and outgoing email using Seamonkey.
>> On the other connection, I had full access to the web, but could not
>> access my regular email account either through Seamonkey or through
>> webmail (all other websites operated normally).
>> I've experienced similar email blockages while traveling other places.
>> I doubt it's a Seamonkey problem, but I'm wondering what a workaround
>> might be?
> Bill can you not get or send e-mail?
> Usually the issue is you can get e-mail but not sending. Changing the
> outgoing port to 587 usually can resolve that.
> Other than that, as others suggested try different security settings.
> Sometimes random ISPs block one style but not another.

Until recently, I could frequently GET email while on the road, but
not SEND it. When that happened, I was always able to send email using
webmail, so it was merely an inconvenience.

However, the past few weeks I've had several experiences where I could
do neither, yet I had access to most websites (but not the mail server
at Inmotionhosting.com).

>From the fascinating answers to this question, I see now how many
different reasons there might be; and how some of them would be
specific to each wi-fi point, so it might not be worth trying to track
it down unless I'm staying at that location.

The VPN suggestion sounds like a great workaround, I had never thought
of that...

Thanks everyone for the great responses!
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