Glamsmash Productions wrote:
I created my company's website in Sea Monkey Composer (I love the
editor) and the page looks perfect in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
However, when I pull the web pages up in Internet Explorer, the tables
I created are all smashed together or showing the wrong size.  I have
no idea how to fix it.  I am not a big HTML guru, that is why I like
the WYSIWYG editor in Sea Monkey.

Here is the site link:

and example of this issue can be found on every page, especially or

Please help me figure this out, thanks!

The first thing you will want to do is make your web document compatible for web standards, and then for Internet Explorer. Within your tables declarations you have used a CSS element called: margin-right: auto; and margin-left: auto; IE ignores those elements if the <DOCTYPE> is not compatible.

Your <DOCTYPE>: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

Change your <DOCTYPE> to: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "";> Notice the quotes after the EN and the complete doctype. The entire doctype should be on a single line with only one blank space between the quots of EN and http://

You will need to modify the doctype in a text editor and set Komposer (Composer) to not change the HTML coding when opening a web document.

Good luck,

Michael G

Armadillo Web Development

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