I guess I never noticed this because I immediately went back to Reader 9.x due to not liking the interface changes in Reader 10...I've read that a lot of people don't - the menu options in particular.

I guess enough people did that to get Adobe's attention - I recall recently doing an update for my 9.x installs.

     - Rufus

Miles Fidelman wrote:
A little googling reveals that:

- this is a common problem - apparently the latest Adobe reader is
simply incompatible with the latest SeaMonkey or Firefox

There are two suggested work-arounds:

- set SeaMonkey/Firefox to open in 32-bit mode - this DOESN'T work for
me, SeaMonkey promptly and repeatedly crashes when trying to open a PDF

- disable the Adobe NPAPI plug-in (via add-on manager) - SeaMonkey then
automatically opens preview after loading a PDF - works fine



Miles Fidelman wrote:
I wonder if others are experiencing similar problems, or have ideas on
how to resolve this:

I'm running SM 2.8 on a Macintosh (OSX 10.6.8, Snow Leopard), and more
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6;
rv:11.0) Gecko/20120312 Firefox/11.0 SeaMonkey/2.8

For a long time (multiple releases), PDFs have never presented inside
SeaMonkey - despite installing Adobe's standard collection of
plug-ins. Instead, SeaMonkey always treated PDFs by opening them in a
helper application - in my case, set to Apple's "Preview."

Since the last Adobe updater, SeaMonkey seems to try to open PDFs
inside a browser window, but they don't actually open - I just get a
blank white page. It doesn't seem to matter how I set the preferences
for helper applications - the default is listed as Adobe Reader, the
other choices are Preview and Adobe NPAPI plug-in. No matter what the
setting, SeaMonkey tries to open the file in a browser window, and
fails - I can't seem to get it to revert to it's previous behavior of
giving a choice to save or open in Preview.

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