MCBastos wrote:
Interviewed by CNN on 24/05/2012 15:56, Rufus told the world:

FIX THIS, already!

Well, from the bug report, it seems that you are the only one to have
seen this behavior -- no confirmation, no votes for this bug, nothing.
You can hardly expect that a developer takes time from other,
*confirmed* issues to investigate an *unconfirmed* one.

Somebody did thank me here for writing the bug, so I'm *not* the only one seeing this. And as I recall, that guy was another Mac user, so I assume it's a Mac only issue. But I won't swear to it.

You haven't even provided an useful "steps to reproduce" description --
you just said you upgraded SM. Well, *everybody* installed/upgraded SM
at some time, this doesn't narrow much the field. Did you determine that
it happens always, or at least often, *just from updating the program?*
If that is so, I would expect *every* (or at least, a large number of)
Mac SM user to be complaining. It shouldn't be hard, in that case, to
get someone to confirm the issue.

Yes - it happens *always*. And has been since SM 1.1.something, as noted in the bug.

Steps to reproduce are simple - have a Profile with a Master SM, sit back and wait. Like I said - *random*. I've even put a stop watch on it and I can't even tie it to a regularly occurring time interval.

It's happened twice as I was typing this...but that's not always when or how it happens. If I had had a download in progress I would have had to Force Quit SM and have lost this session...*&#$!!!

And then it keeps happening, but I seem to recall reading something here that if the Master is asked for once it will continue to be asked for - which is fine by me, it's that SM is seemingly ignoring my Pref setting to not prompt until the first time it is "required". This happens when I'm not doing anything to "require" it that I can tell. As stated in the bug.

I'm not doing anything specific, and as I noted in the bug it doesn't seem to happen with a Profile where I have no Master Password set.

     - Rufus
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