On 6/14/2012 5:44 AM, Daniel wrote:
hawker wrote:
Is there a command to re-load an e-mail?
I keep having issues with attachments (mostly larger PDFs for some
reason) that do not fully download and do not open.
They look fine in the web mail interface. I am using MAPI interface to
an exchange server.
Is there a command to ask Seamonkey to re-download the attachments? I
suspect the download process is being stopped mid process, perhaps
because I switch tabs before it completes, and never fully downloads.
The file size when saved is always smaller than it should be.

Hawker, one possibility.....Have a look at Edit->Mail & Newsgroup
Account Settings and select the Disk Space settings for your e-mail

The top setting, if selected, limits the size of an e-mail (and
attachment, I guess) that would normally be downloaded. If you have this
setting ticked, either un-tick it or set a larger message size limit.


Thanx. That was turned off. No it is an odd beast, happens some times not others. Mail that once worked often does not later. Rebuild mailbox always fixes. Some sort of odd corruption issue.
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