Arnie Goetchius wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
<g>  I seem to remember you once said you had an intricate filtering
system, now that I think a bit about it. 75 sub-folders is a *lot*!

Yes, it is intricate. HOWEVER, the real problem is that I made all of my
folders sub-folders of the Inbox. If I move the sub-folders (with drag
and drop) to the very top of the list to make them sub-folders of the
Account Name, it appears that will solve my problem.

Ooh. Make doubly sure your filters update themselves with the new path.

Correct. It does takes a while for some of the larger sub-folders. I think
the approach I was using was a left over from my Netscape days of the

Funny you should mention Netscape!!

I was going to suggest to you that having sub-folders of the inbox was asking for trouble, but then I thought that that may have been in the Mozilla Suite days, maybe also as far back as the Netscape Suite days!!


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