Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Tom S. wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Tom, when you close your browser, do you actually log out of Is it possible that still has you
logged in from your last close down??

Sorry for the late reply.  Yes, I usually would stay logged in,
I'm the only one on this PC. It never was a problem with previous
versions of SM. So, when I would restart the Yahoo page I
didn't have
to log or sign back in. Now it seems I do.

Thanks for responding.

What are your cookie settings (generally and for this site)?

1) Edit | Preferences | Privacy & Security | Cookies
If you have it set to "Accept cookies for current session only,"
they will be cleared on program close and you'll have to log back

2) Tools | Cookie Manager
If you set to "allow" here, I think it should
override the global setting above, but you'll have to test that

My default cookie settings are Allow all cookies and Accept cookies normally.

I just tried deleting all of my Yahoo cookies with the cookie manager (except the ones for passwords) and started from scratch. Then, I logged in to it, ticking the "keep me signed in" box. I closed the browser and restarted. Next, I selected the MyYahoo page and at first, it opened like it should have. But when accessing either the "Personal Assistant" or "Top Stories" modules, I got the same popup message box as before.

OK, so now I added & to the "allow" list with the old cookie manager, restarted, loaded the page, but again got the popup box (twice as the page started up). I don't have any idea why it still happens. Older versions of SM had no problem with it.

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