MCBastos wrote:

If you just want to import the message archive, it's no problem.
Seamonkey will recognize the message store files just by dropping them
in the correct folder. Generally speaking, it goes like this:

1. Identify the location of both Seamonkey profiles (the old and the new
one). I'm not sure where it would be on Linux, but I'm sure that there's
plenty of websites liting that information.

2. Inside the profile folder, there's a "mail" folder.

3. Inside the "mail" folder, there are one or more subfolders named
based on your mail accounts (plus "Local folders," "Feeds" and such.

4. Each of these folders contains files. Those are always in pairs: a
big one with a familiar name (the same as one of your mail folders) and
no file extension; and a small one with the same filename and the "msf"
extension. The "msf" files are just indexes and are unimportant for our
purposes; you can ignore them, Seamonkey will rebuild them as needed.

5. There may be subfolders, again with the same name as one of the mail
files, and the extension "sbd". These contain the store files for the
subfolders in your mail structure. For instance, if your inbox has a
mail subfolder named "2011", you will find a file folder called
"Inbox.sbd" containing a pair of files named "2011" and "2011.msf". As
you can see, it's not complicated.

So, here's the thing:

First, CLOSE SEAMONKEY. This procedure should not be performed with
Seamonkey open.

Now that you know how the mail store works, you can easily figure which
files contain the messages you want to import. Copy them to the "new"
profile and just drop them in the desired places in the mail structure.
You can rename them to avoid ambiguity, if you wish.

When you open Seamonkey, it will recognize the new mail folders
automatically. You don't have to do anything special. If you didn't copy
the .msf files, Seamonkey will generate new one the first time you
attempt to look at the contents of the folder.

You can now tweak things a bit, moving messages around as you wish.

Thank you for a well written comprehensive response. Sure looks like it will do the trick. Incidentally I am using Linux and the directory structure is the same as on windows once in .mozilla.

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