The problem is that those files are very new and unknown. So Norton is supsicious of them. Also, using beta/prereleases doesn't help since they can change again soon. It is good to submit those suspicious files, but note that it will happen again.

On 9/1/2012 9:08 PM PT, Justin Wood (Callek) typed:

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to followup on status here

So there has been a related thread about SeaMonkey 2.12 issues and
Norton Antivirus. It has been reported that that specific [SeaMonkey
2.12] problem is fixed.

However, I wanted to let you know that JUST NOW, when I let my Beta
version of SeaMonkey 2.13 update I got the same Norton issue ("based on
a heuristic scan" it says) for two of my SeaMonkey DLL's nsschbi.dll and

It popped up a small warning in my taskbar and I had to open the Norton
UI, go to "History" open up "Options" and I selected "restore and
exclude" to get it back to working.

I am still awaiting a human response to my Norton e-mail, and will
likely look up a corp phone number on Wednesday if I haven't heard back
by EOD tuesday to see how we can address this on their end going forward.

Details of my explicit files/the Norton warning follow:

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Category: Norton Community Watch
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Date
Updated,Submitted By,Description,Submission Details
2012-09-02 0:00:35,Info,Sample Submission:
Suspicious.Cloud.7.F,Pending,No Action Required,2012-09-02
0:00:35,Norton Internet Security,Sample Submission:

Category: Norton Community Watch
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Date
Updated,Submitted By,Description,Submission Details
2012-09-02 0:00:55,Info,Sample Submission:
Suspicious.Cloud.7.F,Pending,No Action Required,2012-09-02
0:00:55,Norton Internet Security,Sample Submission:
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