cmcadams wrote:

Similar case, but in my case a black rectangle. SM 2.12.1, XP SP3,
latest Flash. Disabling Adblock does nothing.

Not unique to the posted link, and impossible to diagnose (so far).
Notably Vimeo. Vids on other sites play fine (eg, Youtube). :/

I've had exactly this trouble with videos on, but disabling AdBlock Plus and reloading the page solves it. Sort of -- I have to view their ads.

On, I get an apology (!) that they can't show me their ads, but the timer counts down to zero and the content plays anyway. I ignore the instruction to enable ads, no harm done.

On some sites, accepting cookies helps. They apparently store a flag saying I've seen their ad, so blocking the cookie makes it look as if they still need to serve the ad, and until I pretend I've seen it by accepting the cookie, they won't serve the content.

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Paul B. Gallagher

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