When upgrading from 2.12.01 (Lightning version 1.7) to 2.13.01,
SeaMonkey does a check for compatible add-ons. The "Found Compatible
Add-Ons" for Lightning comes back as Lightning 1.8.b1.

* Don't install 1.8b1!*
Lightning 1.8b1 hassome serious bugs with adding new events (as I
discovered after allowing it to get installed on several of my machines). *

Instead, when you get the "Found Compatible Add-Ons", *uncheck*
Lightning 1.8b1. Then go to:
and download & install Lighting 1.8.

If you've already installed 1.8b1, don't use the calendar & instead go
to the 1.8 addon link, install 1.8 and then restart. Afterwards your
calendar & data should be OK. Of course it's always wise to backup prior
to making any changes/updates...

Note to SeaMonkey devs: please fix this so that the linux addon update
doesn't point to 1.8b1. No issues found on Windows updates - those go
directly to 1.8.
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