On 10/25/2012 08:23 PM, Craig wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Can you try just extracting to a home folder and running to see if it
>> exhibits the same behavior?
> I extracted to my home directory and executed,
> cd seamonkey/
> ./seamonkey`
> and was promptly logged out (my screen went immediately black and after 
> a few seconds the X-Window System login screen was shown).
>> Also, can you try in safe mode:
>> ./seamonkey -safe-mode
> After logging back in, I executed,
> cd seamonkey/
> ./seamonkey -safe-mode
> and was again promptly logged out.
> After logging back in, I even tried,
> cd seamonkey
> ./seamonkey --safe-mode
> in case that might be the syntax. The result, however, was the same. I 
> was yet again promptly logged out.
> Something is wrong.

Definately. The only thing that I can think of is a video or
xserver-xorg issue. I had this happen with LibreOffice some time back:
You'd zoom the page size and 'poof' back to the login you'd go. Turned
out to a combination between LO and xserver-xorg-video drivers.

Check your /var/log/xorg* and dmesg logs to see if there is any clue
there. Also check the ~/.xsession-errors.old for the same. And of course
<http://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/system-requirements>. On that last
note the
"The following distributions should provide everything needed:
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (or later)"
I'll see if I can find an ISO for CentOS 5.8 & will install it. I doubt
that will result in the same issue as I don't have a spare partition to
put it in, so I'll install it in a VM (VirtualBox and VMWare). However,
those VM's use their own vido drivers, so even then I probably won't be
able to replicate.

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