NoOp wrote:

Works for me - tells me that 2.14.2 is available. I backed down to
2.13.2 and did Help|Check for updates:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20121026
Firefox/16.0 SeaMonkey/2.13.2

Note: I haven't tried from Centos (yet). The above is from an Ubuntu 12.04.

Regarding update notifications; SeaMonkey may briefly flash an update
indicator, but doesn't seem to do the same as Firefox where FF pops up a
new window.

Sorry for the 3+ weeks delay.

I noticed on today that the 32-bit version of SM 2.14.1 for Linux was available, so I went to Help -> Check for Updates... to manually check for the update. SM told me "There are no updates available. Seamonkey will check periodically for updates."

I saw that FF had also been updated (from 16.0.2 to 17.0.1), so I tried the same thing in FF. It told me FF at 16.0.2 was up-to-date.

What mechanism do SM and FF use to check for updates? What URLs do they check?


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