stango wrote:
Ken Rudolph wrote:
My version of SeaMonkey (Win-7 x64, SM 2.15) continues to show in "About
Plugins" that it still contains the previous Java SE6 U37, which is
supposedly vulnerable to blah blah blah.  I updated successfully (I
think) to U38 from the Oracle site, but SeaMonkey continues to show U37
as the plugin.  Did I do something wrong?  Any way to make U38 the
SeaMonkey plug-in?

You are running 64 bit Windows and will need to install BOTH the 32 bit
AND the 64 bit versions.

I don't get this. The two versions for Windows on the Oracle site are X64 and X86. I downloaded and installed the x64 version (59.8MB); but do you mean that I also have to download and install the x86 version (69.74MB)? Is that what you mean by the 32 bit version? And *that* will cause SeaMonkey to upgrade to the U38 version?

By the way, I reloaded SM and also did a soft re-boot. That didn't work to revise the Java plugin. Is Java actually worth all this effort?

Ken Rudolph

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