On 17.02.2013 08:55, William Greenwood wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

> Charlie Siracuse wrote:
>>    can someone help me get to the coding of this program so I can fix
>> this coupon printer!  it's been so long i forgot how!  I remember
>> writing programs on my VIC-20!
>>      The files are located in Firefox plugin directory after installing
>> coupon printer into Firefox.
>> NPcol400.dll
>> NPcouponprinter.dll
>> NPmozcouponprinter.dll
>> After copying these files to your Seamonkey plugin directory. Just run
>> the install procedure again for coupon printer. It will now work.
> Where is the Seamonkey plugin directory?

In the URL address window, type about:plugins

The path to all plugins is shown for each one, for example

Shockwave Flash

File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_5_502_149.dll

Jay Garcia - www.ufaq.org - Netscape - Firefox - SeaMonkey - Thunderbird
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