John wrote:
In article<>,
  M Gordon<>  wrote:

John wrote:
I edit and create pages all the time using SM for my site. However my
index.htm page ( for some reason the color for my
links on the left is off. I can live with the problem, but its annoying.
Only SM renders the page in its composer this way. Any ideas??

Hello John,

The only way we can try to asst you is if you provide more detailed
information on your problem.

Example:  The links in the left navigation panel look fine.  They are
white, underlined, change to Italic font, and look like Arial Font.
After clicked and connected they rmain the same.

You also have an external Style Sheet and Composer will not read the
META tag for CSS.  For that you need Komposer. or BlueGriffin.

Michael G

Oh so that is why the colors are off in the SM Composer, I have those
apps but do not like them as much as SM. When will SM solve this issue
for I love SM and do not like those other editors.


I cannot say if or when SeaMonkey/Composer will ever be updated. It has been many years since any work has been done to the HTML editor. There was some talk a long time ago about importing Komposer, or BlueGriffin into the SeaMonkey suite, but that has been silent for a very long time.

The best thing you can do for the time being is to use either HTML editor, or a plain text editor, and use SeaMonkey as a proof-reader. While editing a document has SM open to the page you are editing. When you make a change, save the change, then reload SM to see the results.

Michael G
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