Philip TAYLOR wrote:

<a.nony.mous@example.invalid>  wrote:

It could be that no one at SM knows how to remove it from the suite, and
still allow mail to compose messages in HTML.

I would imagine that it would require very little work
to remove it from the user interface, leaving the kernel
in place, but if that were done, die-hard Composer users
would (with complete justification) ask "Why have you done
that ?".

Would it be a suite if they removed Chat?

Of course.

Philip Taylor


The logical resolution is to regress a few versions and let the user decide which elements from the "Toolbox" he wants to download and install.

It all goes back to the age old argument, what the user wants, not what the developer wants.

I can tell you this from experience. If Sea Monkey were provided at a cost to the user I would find something else.

Michael G
support-seamonkey mailing list

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