I leave SeaMonkey running, walk away from my PC. Come back some indeterminate number of hours later.

Hit the CTRL key to wake up my displays. Screen comes up as expected. Move the mouse around the screen. As the mouse moves over the SM window(s) it wipes/erases the SM image.

Right-click, choose Refresh, SM windows dissappear and all is well, Windows desktop and other programs just fine.

SM has crashed but no crash report is produced. Run SM and it does ask if I want to re-load the last session or a new one.

This started a couple months ago. My video card had died sorta, the fan self-destructed. I couldn't even find the pieces inside the case. Put in a new card and it's still happening.

Well, this PC is circa October 2006, still, dual-core, 3GHz, tons of memory and disk space.

It may just be age (mine or the PC or both) ... maybe I just relegate this to a server role and buy a new one.


Ed Mullen
Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.
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