GerardJan wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Philip TAYLOR wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Geoff Welsh wrote:

I wondered: HTF can a "typhoon" be in the mid-west mainland USA?

Crossed my mind, too; Oklahoma has seen the occasional hurricane
remnants from the gulf, but their specialty is tornadoes.

Americans have an (arguably undeserved) reputation for being
only vaguely aware of anything that takes place out of their
home state, and completely unaware of anything that exists
outside of the USA.  We Britons are not entirely dissimilar,
in that few of us have any idea what characterises most of
your states (Alaska apart),

That's interesting!  Why, pray tell, a British knowlege of Alaska, in 

Yes, it is interestingly unique but, still, so is Texas in its way.  Not to
mention the other 48 with their idiosycrasies.  Rhode Island for size.
Tennessee for bourbon.  Kentucky for horse racing.  California for nut-job
liberalism and out-of-control taxation, but to mention a few.  (Forget the film
industry ... that's increasingly moving out of CA to Canada other US states to
save money.)

If nothing else we Yanks do have a diversified strangeness here.  You Brits do
too but you do it with such a lovely accent!  :-D  Which, to us, makes
everything most of you say sound so damned intelligent even when it's not.  :-D

I know alone that there is flat land form or north to south so the wind has free
play there, in 15 minutes the wind can change there, what and the wind have free
spell spell there, we have also that form Portugal to Denia very bad weather
from time to time...


this discuaaion should be in mozilla.general

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