On Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:57:11 -1000, Geoff Welsh wrote:

"Ignore Thread" option under the Message dropdown (Mac main menu) will
keep SM from downloading any more posts with the same subject.

And all traces of that thread have disappeared the next time you load
the same newsgroup

This is quite useful when a crossposted spam/flame war starts in a
newsgroup you like to read.

But what if I "ignore" a thread accidentally...and don't realize it
until days later, when using a different machine.  ("hey, this thread is
missing on my other machine!")

Where is the list of ignored threads?  How do I get the ignored thread

It is stored in a "hidden" area of the message list itself.

In Thunderbird (I assume Seamonkey is similar) if you go to
"View >> Threads >> ..." and turn on "Ignored Threads",
you can see the ignored threads and undo the ignores.
To undo the ignore, select the message and use "Ignore Thread"

Kind regards
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