On 7/13/2013 7:44 AM, Daniel wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Daniel wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 7/12/2013 6:08 AM, Rick Merrill wrote:
Sometimes I double click when I should not; consequently
multiple copies of browser and email/newsgroups are launched.

Is there any reason that SeaMonkey allows multiple launches?

My preferences are set to open a new tab when a Web link requests a new
window.  However, my preferences are also set to open a new window if a
non-browser application requests to display a Web page.  Thus, multiple
windows are not bad.

The way I read Rick's post is that he starts SM (browser and/or Mail as
appropriate), and then, because he's double-double clicked on the
desk-top icon, he gets a totally seperate second copy of SM (browser
and/or Mail as appropriate).

You don't have to do it that way. Double-click on a Mail/News folder or
account name and a second Mail/News window will open. And of course
there are lots of ways of opening a new browser window. Neither of these
means that more than one instance of SeaMonkey is running.

If I double-click on the SM desktop icon, or if I type the keyboard
shortcut I use to launch SM, or if I navigate through the Start menu to
the SeaMonkey program, any of these while SM is running, all I get is a
transfer of focus to the running instance of SM. A second one does not
launch as for example with MS Word. If I click a link more than once, I
get multiple copies of that browser window, but still only one instance
of the SM program.

So I'd say it's perfectly safe to close the extra window if you don't
need it. Don't worry about competing instances of the program writing to
the same mail/news folders.

But I think Rick wants to stop the double starting from happening in the first 

True:-) but it really is my problem - I only asked because many other 
do prevent multiple copies.  Yes, I sometimes do use multiple browser windows
and sometimes multiple tabs.

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