Alex Beauroy wrote:
Since two days I cannot open a new tab in the Browser going to
"File","New", New Browser Tab"    ========> it does not work any more!!!
When I right click a link I cannot get the option "Open link in a new
Tab" it just does not work!!! But the option "Open link in a new window"
that one works.
 From the Mail and news I cannot open a link by cliking on HTML links
What' happening there????
If someone has an idea???
Best Regards

I had *exactly* that problem for a couple of hours yesterday - my "Browser just became unuseable" if you look at one of the threads above.

I use Linux, I can see that you are using Windows.

What I did was:
- Close Seamonkey completely
- Rename the profile directory
- Create one with the original name such as ft45h78z.default
- Copy the original to the ft45h78z.default

There is absolutely no reason why that should help but it worked for me. I was actually planning to restore single directories/files from a previous backup into the new ft45h78z.default but it worked immediately. ymmv!

Best of luck
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