Interviewed by CNN on 08/09/2013 16:32, told the

> I was wondering if you offer upgrade cds for sale?  I am currently  using 
> SeaMonkey (2.0.10).  I also have slow dialup and I know it would take a very 
> long time to download any upgrades from your site.  

Not AFAIK. In fact, CD software distribution is dying fast -- even very
large pieces of software, like Adobe Creative Suite (several DVDs in
size) are quitting the physical-media distribution model. Which,
admittedly, sucks for anybody who is behind a slow link.

The best suggestion I have to offer is to ask for a friend who has a
faster connection to download the files for you on a USB flash drive or
something like that.

Note: since you are on 2.0.10, I suggest you don't update in a single
step. I would first update to 2.1.0 and then go from there to the
current 2.20 version.


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