On 11/27/2013, 6:55 AM, Philip Taylor wrote:

If you are determined to continue this policy of obstructionism, you
should start your own forum, with a rule that all questions are public
and all answers are private. Good luck with that.

An answer sent in private is private.  The recipient is neither
required nor permitted (other than with the explicit consent
of the sender) to disclose the contents to anyone.  A recipient
who has the courtesy to acknowledge such private replies on-list
should be commended, not castigated.

I have it on good authority (from one of the moderators) that my
previous reply was not off-topic and would not be counted against me.

"Physician, heal thyself" -- if you believe that private messages
should be made public without the consent of the sender, then
forward to the list the message to which you refer, rather than
claiming to cite an anonymous moderator.

I'm a newsgroup moderator, not the person in charge of this newsgroup. I'm not even a list moderator. When the message removal policy[1] was created, Robert gave permission for it be applied to this group as well [2].



Regarding private responses and publishing them, there is no policy and nothing is required. It's not a big deal. It's better for everyone if solutions are posted in public. If someone doesn't post the solution that helped him/her, that sucks but 'oh well'.

The only real technicality is the notion that support solutions are somehow copyrighted. If someone is having trouble setting SeaMonkey as the default browser, and they get a private response suggesting that they set something else as the default, then setting SeaMonkey back as the default, there's nothing wrong with the op publicizing that suggestion.

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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