PhillipJones wrote:
Geoff Welsh wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote: wrote:

Although I have my Comcast email account (web interface) set to
keep me
logged in, I have always noticed that when I upgrade SeaMonkey I then
have to login the first time I go to my account. I have always
why that was.

Today, after upgrading from v2.22.1 to v2.23, I login to the account
then click on the e-mail link, and the new window tells me I'm not
logged in. I tried re-starting the browser, re-booting the computer,
I just couldn't get it to work. I could access my email with the
mail/news reader, but not with the web browser. This is important in
case any messages go to my junk folder in error.

I re-installed v2.22.1 and everything is fine again. Something in the
v2.23 upgrade is incompatible with the website. Also, I
noted that when I first went to the site after reverting to v2.22.1, I
was still logged in as I was before running the update.

This is on a Windows XP Pro SP3 system with all the latest patches.

Failed logins are usually because cookies are not being accepted or
retained. Have you checked the Cookie Manager to see if your Comcast
cookies are there, and also to see whether is allowed to
permanent cookies? For example, if the permissions tab says to accept
only session cookies, SM will clear them every time you restart the

Check also whether SM is set to clear cookies on exit:

Edit | Preferences | Privacy & Security:
Clear Private Data
[x] Always clear private data when I close SeaMonkey
When I ask SeaMonkey to clear my private data, it should erase:
[x] Cookies

I noticed last Night that ingoing to Chase websit prior to update I had
no issues.
After Update. Though I received a message noting that all features not
necessarily support I would get a better result with Chrome, FF, and IE.
Have they quit advertising as FireFox?

that's a good setting to double-check.

not using Comcast or Chase, or even being /on/ my only machine that can
run 2.23 leaves me unable to verify/troubleshoot

Where is the setting for advertising as FireFox? (I use the Mac version).

Yours is telling us:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0 SeaMonkey/2.23

So I think you need not worry.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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