Geoff Welsh wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Paul wrote:

WSJ loads ok for me using SM1119.
Unfortunately the only article that I am allowed to read without being a
subscriber is about gay marriage in Utah.
Maybe adjusting browser spoofing would help.
Or turning off ad block.

Nah. You need to have an account to read all but a few teaser articles.
Browser UA has nothing to do with it. Many newspaper sites do this.

it probably won't work now that I mention it....but if you know the
exact title of a WSJ article, and you put it in quotes in Google, and
you click through from the Google search result, you can magically read
the article because the Google link-refferrer-thingy makes it work.

In a similar vein, YouTube videos embedded in other sites are viewable even if they are 18-and-up restricted, but if you try to view them directly on YouTube, you have to sign in and prove you're old enough.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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